Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Look what we woke up to this morning!!


dan said...

sorry babe, i guess no body really cares about us, or bitter cold, or the snow, or the trees that have fallen on our land. It is obvious by the lack of posts that we are really alone here... oh i know maybe if i put a flat doll out there in the snow people will like it more.

Kitty said...

it is pretty sad, hunh, that nobody seems to love you guys or ever come out to see you, or check to see if in fact you are still alive... Wow! it must be hard to be you...
Out here in beautiful Missouri it was 73 degrees yesterday...beautiful blue skies... soft breezes...oh, never mind!
Anyway, we actually do love all of you and are maybe just a tiny tiny smidge envious that you actually have snow (which we may not even see this year.)
Love to all, MOm