Tuesday, October 7, 2008

(Late) Happy Birthday to Joel

Hey, guys--
Since we haven't been able to do the "go around the table and say what you like about the birthday person" for most anybody in a long time, I thought we could do it on the blog.. That way we can get EVERYBODY, and not just those whose birthdays happen to fall near a Block family get-together.

So, I'm going to start Joel's (even though it's late; better now than never!).. anybody who wants to is welcome to chime in after me--

Joel. First of all, I can't believe thee's 33. That's crazy. Anyway, what I wanted to say is this: What I love about thee is thy committment to honesty. I remember when thee was a senior in college and thee'd gotten thy first laptop. Somebody offered to give thee a burnt version of Microsoft Office software, and thee said no because, even though nobody else would know, that would have been stealing. That was impressive, and it stuck with me. There's so much more that I love about thee, but that's something that I've noticed for a long time and wanted to thank thee for... so thanks.

I love thee. Happy birthday. I hope it was a good one.



Sarah said...

Joel, I love thee and appreciate thee coming out to see me. Thanks alot, and keep me posted on the latest jobs...

Sarah said...

oops that was by dan, sarah does not want to participate in this activity since she has nothing nice to say. as mom always said, if you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all...

JB said...


I appreciate the intention that thee puts into being a good big brother and a good eldest sibling. Thee cares about thy sibs and it shows. Love thee lots.


Anonymous said...

Kak, Jon and Dan--thanks very much for the kind words and encouragement. I love you all!!


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