Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dan update

He's sleeping right now. As you can see, his chest drainage tube is
still in He's still in a lot of pain. The biggest thing they are
worried about right now is pneumonia. He is very reluctant to cough at
all, due to the extreme pain it causes in his chest and side, but the
nurse told me earlier that if he doesn't keep trying to keep his lungs
clear, he has about a 90% chance of getting pneumonia. He was on the
machine that pumps his lungs up just a bit ago, and that must've
exhausted him, cause he's out cold now. He is still scheduled for his
jaw surgery early tomorrow afternoon, as long as his lung is stable
enough to go under anesthesia. The kids were in to see him a little
earlier. They were more impressed with the machines, tubes and lights
than anything else, which was probably good cause Dan was still very
out of it.
I'm hoping he'll wake up here in a bit and eat some soup... We'll
see. :)

PS: Kak, thanks for the flowers! They just got here and they smell
terrific and look so pretty. I'll read Dan thy card as soon as he
wakes up. :)

1 comment:

katharine said...

Good! I'm glad they got there.. They're for thee, too. :) I hope every time thee sees them thee's reminded that we love thee, we're praying for thee (and Danny) and we're behind you guys 100%. (Will thee take a pic of them eventually? I want to see what they chose..) :)